

諸般の個人的事情で、原文をざっと斜め読みしてみた: 国連安全保障理事会 Resolution 1874 (2009)。これは、2009-05-25に地下核実験を行った北朝鮮に対しての決議だ。もっと楽しいものしか読みたくないのに。(汗)

とはいえ、この不真面目な blog で国際情勢を論じたりはしない。いつものように変な視点でたわごとを書くだけだ。(笑)


ABDURRAHMAN MOHAMED SHALGHAM (Libya) said that the world would not enjoy security until all weapons of mass destruction were eliminated. His country had renounced its own programmes and was working for a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East. Unfortunately, the international community had failed to take advantage of Libya’s actions and reward it with development assistance in a way that would have helped further the case for non-proliferation. He stressed also that non-proliferation measures taken by the international community must be global and non-selective, and must extend to Israeli nuclear activities, which have, so far, engendered no action by the Council.

His country, he said, had usually opposed sanctions, as they usually harm people and do not bring about the desired results. In this case, as well, negotiations represented the greatest hope for a resolution, but he had joined the consensus to encourage the return to dialogue and because the measures in the resolution were targeted so as not to harm the Korean people. He expressed hope that dialogue would soon resume and the sanctions could be eliminated.


でも、その次の文で、さりげなく、金持ちのドラ息子でいじめっ子のイスラエルを引き合いに出しているあたり。ユダヤズとイスラムズの仲の悪さには小学校の先生なら困りますなあ。(と、学級会の専門家でもないので、この blog では簡単に言ってのけてしまう。)



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